No one wanted to be chased by dogs. No one wanted to be beaten or arrested.
That was the price people paid to liberate the South.
When young people tell me that nothing has changed, I say to them, “Come walk in my shoes!”
John R. Lewis (D-GA)
This video has touched my whole entire family!
I am only fifteen, but I want to be a world changer like those courageous people were!
Thank you so much for putting this amazing video on television!
Mandy (Huntsville, Alabama)
Come Walk in My Shoes is an award-winning documentary that follows the Honorable John Lewis on an emotional pilgrimage to the churches, parks and bridges where young people played a pivotal role in the struggle for equality and voting rights. At each location, Lewis reflects on his experiences and provides a forum for others – the “unsung heroes who cared deeply, sacrificed much, and fought hard for a better America” – to help us understand what happened, and why it happened.
This award-winning documentary provides a fresh, first-person perspective on the non-violent protests that challenged segregation laws in the South and led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965.
CALLING ALL EDUCATORS! We are recruiting middle school teachers to field test our curriculum in the classroom. Your feedback will be incorporated into the lesson plans and class activities that will be available to everyone on-line. For more information about our curriculum project, click here.
To order a DVD copy of Come Walk in My Shoes, click here.
Primary funding was provided by The Chrysler Foundation and Daimler North America with additional major support from Freddie Mac, Mortgage Insurance Companies of America, and The Nathan Cummings Foundation.